We called him “Ombei”, that originally comes from Cara, cos doesn’t matter how old he is now, he looks like om – om . Another name is “Bang Brewos” , or “Babeh” (ask Mud why he come up with that name for Bei..)
Bei is a…genius!!
Cos he’s so forgetful so we think he belongs to the genius jungle . He’s a person who always have loads of energy , loads of strategy , loads of patience, loads of smile, loads of idea, loads of love, loads of faith, loads of hope, loads of heart … and less of height (hehehehe..kidding ombei!!)
He’s Cara's partner in crime and translator , cos he can encrypt delirious prodigal messages; and not just for Cara , but also for all of his friends. A Believer, A Dream Chaser, A Hard Worker, and a Loving Partner for his love of his life : Nessa, and a fookin RPG Game Player (weks!) and don’t let him take a shower unless you feel so dry outside (he’s a Rain Summoner!)
He’s a fearless man to encounter everything in the world, except banci… (doi takut banget, lebih takut banci daripada hantu)
He excites about entrepreneurship .. he likes to make sumthin “From Zero to Hero”
He has writing talents.. fookin finance point of view.. he aspire marketing as his field..He’s a samsu lover , and a Dream Theater Junkie..All we can say is
Ombei, Bang Brewos, Babeh… we love you !! (Peyukk Powerpuff dari mpok iyoum!!)
Bertuz.. that is his real name.. We call him “Hybe” cos he do lots of hibernation , more when we still in the pesantren. He can sleep anywhere, anytime, in anykind of position. We have to say congratz to this fellow recently he’s already put off his bachelorhood and now use “husband robe” . He can put off almost everything when he wants to .. he’s a man with a strong heart and will .. I say congratz cos he also can leave smoking few years a go.
Bertuz, is a fun person, he’s a brilliant metal vocalist (he do good growls and scream.. but he sings like kasino.. so don’t sing dear..), my best friend that I can count on , and below all that , he’s a deep thought guy .
He’s a creative guy , but a lesser designer (sorry mate, but it’s true)..
His smile always make me calm, as if everything is going to be alright no matter what happened..
He like to download things (that’s why we called him mr donlod.. he can’t live without download manager), He has loads of joke collection.. name it from warkop, Setia Warga ,Benyamin S.. and their attitude comes alive in him (that’s why i labeled his band : Unsafe with genre “Metal Dagelan”.. pokalisnya begonooo..)
Oiya, he once dreadlocking poor Bello by accident..
Fierce and alive on stage, Sweet & Fun off stage, person that holds up friendship more than anything, Papanya Bello & Ruben.. We Love You Tuzz!!
This is a beautiful young lady, full of spirit and ideas, soft and calm , sweet and funny, smart and crazy, My best friend .. a person that like to help people whatever she can help, a devoted and loving mother.
She’s a drop of water that quench our thirst whenever she talks
She’s bei’s sister , and now we all know why we can say Bei’s genius , I think they inherited the same DNA code for this one.
She might still learn for excel (dun’t worry.. me help you sis!) , but she’s a wonderful shrink.. She helps people through their dark times .. just like me.. to see that there always a light after dark.
She’s a strong lady, after all that she’s been through .. she still on her pilgrimage to prove what she are, but I know, it won’t take long for you to shine dear..
So baby you are fireworks, come on let your color burst , make ‘em go ah ah ah.. cos you shoot across the sky..
We love you Isna !!(Peyukkk Girl Power!!!!)
Mud .. Dum.. Mud.. Dum… fookin awesome designer & musician.. my fellow and best friend eva’! He’s the admin of this blog.. so becareful you guys.. meet “Yang Mulia” …(wkwkwkwk)
Mud is a shy, quite, sensitive deep guy.. have lots of thoughts.. have principle.. and a person that you can count on. He spends his days with creativity, submerged in it .. and making astonishing creations.
He inspires people to be true to themselves , no matter how hard the path is..
He’s a neat person.. basically, He teach me few corel tips that I still use it until now, Friendship for him, is everything, the most precious in the world. And we all learn that from him.
He’s my partner in crime on becoming TS & Romusha (Tukang Seruput & ROkokMU Saya iSHap). He’s the one that comes up with new important words in our circle of friendship
- “Iyoum” (Unpretty Girl)
- "Ahe” (Joyful shout, that become our body now)
- “Uzz!” (Sexy Girl)
- “Nyongai” (Pretty Girl)
Awwww…the most religious one from all of us!!
What I can say about this guy? Cos he has loads of heart , Loads of spirit, always smiling.. and a expert in percetakan.
He has a calm heart.. so he can fastly fallin asleep.. and can make a choir in his sleep (we call it “Genset time”).. we used to look for him in the nearest musholla, cos he can just fallin asleep after praying (not to mention how many times he has lost his phone in the mosque).
Sometimes I call him “Gembull”, cos except from his “Happy Papa “ appearance , he eats frequently , cos he has principle “Sayang – sayang” (“Sayang – sayang ada makanan di meja gak disentuh…”)
He always attracted to creativity that can take over the real world.. that’s why I’m so amazed with this man. Bang.. skripsi dah selese blom?
We love you Bang Rijal!! (Toss Perut!!)
Me.. me a creative , never on the middle speed of thought (too fast or too slow) , sensitive, and learn to be true to my self.
Me lift friendship as the most precious thing that God ever gave to me
Me like to joged joged, bang Mud call me “Iyoum” (me is Madame Iyoum, the head of mba- mba look community), other call me “Wanita Kayu” (a lady yang “Wew!!”, but I think they call me wanita kayu cos they believe me can through anything and strong to face anything just like a tree,keep on growing and give people blessings)
Me like to peyuk peyuk!!! Peyukkkk!!!!!!
Kita adalah sekumpulan orang-orang yang bisa dibilang agak gila, karena ada yang bilang antara kreatif dan gila cuma berjarak 5 milimeter.
Kita disini mau berbagi apapun apa yang kami bisa bagi dan semoga lebih banyak manfaatnya daripada mudharatnya untuk para pembaca sekalian.
mengutip dari semboyan para blogger :
Sharing Is Caring, Enjoi !
We are group of sub-lunatic people, coz some might say the distance between being creative and crazy is just 5mm long.
The reason why we are here is just want to share anything we can share, and we hope it can bring benefit to all of you who read it.
There's a quote from bloggers :
Sharing Is Caring, Enjoi !